Monday, September 30, 2013


Just a reminder to ensure that items put in the bin must be put ON-DISCARD first, rather than just ON_REPAIR. This must be done using an RFID pad rather than just a wand.
Yesterday, we wheeled out the recycling bins and 2 items in them made the gates beep - one of them was not even on discard and was still in repair.
Also, if for some reason you put an old RFID tag in the bin please ensure you cut it or prick the little lump in the RFID tag with a pin to disable it (so it doesn’t beep when exiting the building!). Thanks Karla

Monday, September 23, 2013

duress alarm(s)

We now have 2 new duress alarms. One will be at the cash register and the other at the customer service desk.
The alarms have 2 buttons and both need to be held down for 5 seconds to raise an alarm.
Please see Karla or Albert should you require any further information.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Please check who an item belongs to before checking them out to ON_REPAIR_SF. If they do not belong to us, we do not repair these items. If the customer has left a note on the disc to say it isn't working, you can leave the note there, but then please check it out onto repair to the OWNING library and put it in the black crates with their library name handwritten on top (Cross out Seaford on the top of the slip and replace it with their library name).
This morning I found a Marion DVD in our repair box from several weeks ago.
This is not just for DVDs, it is for anything that needs repairing. Karla