Thursday, July 24, 2014


Just letting you all know that we are in the process of changing the spine labels for the DVD's, I have started the Movies so any that come back in with the old spine label need to be put into ON-REPAIR-SF and placed in the veggie trolley in the check-in room.
The changes will be:
DVD 791.43 will become MOVIES
DVD 791.45 will become TV
CDVD will become Children's
All the Non-Fiction DVD's will also be changed to different subjects eg: Transport, Lifestyle, House and garden
Any questions pls ask your Collections Team


I have put some new board games out to be used in the library. They are on the games shelf near the school doors. Please note that these are not on the catalogue and therefore not tagged, so they must stay in the library please. Karla


The new photocopier has been installed and is operational. Please ensure that you have received instruction on how to use it. Albert
Scanning is now available to USB, let me know if you need training – you don’t need to wand a library card to do this. Nathan

charge kiosk

We have now installed the Monitor charge kiosk.
Have a look at the info regarding the new way of adding credit to cards, the instructions are laminated and in the pod, Monitor is on Only2clicks. Nathan
Please do not turn the Monitor Kiosk off at the power point before shutting it down – just quickly press the power button located on  the bottom right hand side of the screen near the scanner and Windows will commence the shutdown, if any apps pop-up as still running, touch “quit anyway”. Nathan