Monday, August 5, 2013

staff opening change

In case you were not aware, Albert mentioned last week at the team meeting that there have been some changes implemented regarding opening on Saturday mornings.
Due to a safety concern, Judi has requested that when no one else is on site ie school staff/cleaner etc we are to have 2 people come in early rather than just one. This only affects us on Saturday mornings, because there are always people at school we can contact if needed, when we come in early during the week.
So, from now on, two staff will be required to start at 8.30am on a Saturday, with only one starting at 9 (most likely a casual).  For full time staff, this will mean that you can come in at 11:30 instead of 11am (if you are having a 1hr break) on the Thursday, and then the following week when you leave early, you will need to leave at 1.15pm.
Part time staff, you will need to alter your hours on another day as you usually would if you open on a Saturday.
I have updated everyone’s hours of work, to accommodate the RDOs for full time staff, and the latest information regarding this is in the Hours of Work tab in the Roster.
If you are ever locking up on your own for some reason, don’t forget the duress alarm which you can take to your car and bring back the next day. Karla