Thursday, December 8, 2011

Summer reading club

Summary info:

The SRC Launch Party was 3 December.
The program itself runs through 1 February.
The Prize Auction will be on 12 February 12-4pm @the Arts Centre, Port Noarlunga.

Patrons can register at the Library OR online, but not both.

For In-Library registrations, there is a registration page accessible via Horizon “SRC Public Login” that we can fill in, or print out for the patron to fill in. New registrants can be given an Instruction booklet, a key dates bookmark, & an SRC bracelet, located behind the circulation desk.

Online registrants may come in to get a bracelet, but they don't need an Instruction booklet as they have all this information available to them online and should be submitting their reviews and reading time logs electronically.

Additional reading logs for off-line participants are also available behind the Circ desk.

Points for the auction are earned four ways;
Having attended the Launch earned 100 points.
Every minute spent reading earns 1 point.
Every item borrowed from the library earns 10 points.
Every book review submitted earns 100 points.

Reviews and reading minute logs may be submitted directly to the Library OR done online (not both).
Both on- and off-line participants should hand in their borrowing receipts at the library.

Patron registration print-outs, reviews, reading logs and borrowing receipts are being collected at Seaford by Connie to compile. 

More information is in the Instruction booklet, and if you have any questions, see Connie!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

magazine shelving

You will now find the children's magazines on the new shelving in the children's area.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

further changes this week...

 The gondola has been moved and now houses community notices...

 it is situated between the original notice board and the OPAC/self reservation computer...

 some bays have been taken off the reference collection...

the art moderation set-up begins!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Graphic novels have moved

Graphic novels are now located on the slat-wall shelving next to the youth area. Novels are in alphabetic order (but you can place items anywhere on the shelf with the corresponding label). They are all out-facing to enhance the appearance and accessibility of the collection.


The trolley has been removed from the font desk. Where have the contents gone?

Fire warden (plastic) hats have been removed. Fire warden caps are with the first aid kits (under CKO 1) as is the antibacterial liquids. Tissues are under CKO 2. Temporary holds have gone on the holds shelf.

Friday, November 11, 2011

changes this week...

sale items bookshelf moved...we need new signage here!

bottom row of CNF removed (Yay!)...

new printer at service desk...

OPACs and gondola moved...

new printer in the workroom.

Monday, October 31, 2011


When checking-in items that have holds please ensure that the hold slip matches the reserved item. We have had a number of items recently where the hold slip did not match the item. This is frustrating to both customers and staff involved. Please review the process you use and check that the slip and item match.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

public printing

Customers using the public computers can now choose black and white or colour printing more easily by selecting the preferred icon on the print screen... sweet!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Procedure change: it is now the responsibility of the person receiving partial returns to complete the whole process - from receiving the partial to contacting the borrower (and all the steps in between).  The partials container has been removed.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

new wand

While not exactly a 'new' wand, this replacement in the CKI room can be a bit temperamental, so keep your eyes on the screen. If it stops working, unplug the USB connection at the back of the PC and plug back into another USB slot (or get HELP).

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

beach passes

Beach passes for the 2011/12 season have arrived and are in the cupboard under the screen. Same process as before for issuing...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

new prices

New earphones (various styles) - prices as marked on packs!

New USB sticks 4 GB - $6.90 each (as per label on container).

graded readers

Please note the 'new look' of the graded readers (colour dot instead of coloured sticker).

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

new layout

Please make yourself aware of the new layout of the children's fiction shelving (and other changes as they progress).

Monday, September 12, 2011

student toilets

To assist in the maintenance of the student toilets we are now asking students to read the sign attached to the key sign-out sheet which reads...
... prior to them taking the keep. Please ensure that you support this process.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

SA writers' festival

Please promote the library event - book talk by Shakespeare's books 6.30 - 7.30 pm tonight!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Get Reading!

Get Reading! 2011 was launched yesterday and our display went up today. Be aware that the FREE 50 BOOKS YOU CAN'T PUT DOWN booklets are on the display walls (ADULT FICTION AREA) and should be promoted to customers.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


A new format of book 'Flipbacks' will be circulating from Seaford soon (as a trial). Please become familiar with this new product.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

pin number changes

Please remember that we have changed the pin number on customer records from the last 4 digits of their card number to their date of birth (month/year)!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

children's layout changes

Please be aware of the changes in the children's area:
1. children's graphic novels
2. Aussie Bites & Aussie Nibbles
3. Easy Readers
4. CF spinners

Monday, July 18, 2011


We are now RFID tagging materials in the CKI room! Please make yourself familiar with the process (procedure is on the CKI screen) and have a go at putting tags in books, DVD's etc and encoding!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

library trail

School Holiday Event Please make yourself aware of the library trail at Seaford library and your role in promoting it, issuing the trail documentation to children, checking answers, entering the competition and issuing incentive prizes...

Monday, July 4, 2011

new library cards

New library cards are here (top row). Please change over all old/damaged cards with the Onka labeled cards, or (if the customer prefers) the newly tiltled Onkaparinga cards. Please ask all those with blocks stating 'new card declined' to change over to the Onkaparinga labeled cards. Thanks

Sunday, July 3, 2011

courier crates

Please take some care in stacking the crates to ensure that the materials are put in safely, in good order and effectively use the space (don't just 'chuck them in'!). Thank You

benchmark stats

Please be aware that we are collecting the benchmark stats at all front desk workstations this week!

Friday, July 1, 2011

extra bits

We have all come across those 'extra bits' that come through CKI and usually we deal with them then-and-there. Of late, however, there seems to be an ever increasing number of those 'extra bits' just being left...
so, this is a call for to all staff to 'fix' those 'extra bits' where ever you find them and we won't have the problem of feral 'extra bits'!

Friday, June 3, 2011


The job ad for Seaford positions is up on SEEK

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

volunteering info

When you have a customer enquiring about becoming a volunteer please give them a volunteer kit (now located in white covers in the cupboard under the info screen). Of course, if Sally is available please let her know of the customers interest immediately.

new resident kits

New Resident kits are now located in the purple bin under the cash register. When you register a new borrower please ask if they are a new resident - if so, give them a new resident kit!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

rss feed

To make it easier for you to know when a new post has been added to the blog I have added a subscription widget on the page. Now you can have this info 'fed' to your RSS reader (eg Google, Atom, etc). Don't know how to do this? Ask Nathan or Albert when next at Seaford.

'new books' crates

If/when you come across creates of new books in the CKI room, please check them in. We are no longer taking them to the collections staff in the workroom.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

wi fi will be down...

The wireless network will not be available for customers at Seaford library tomorrow (Tuesday 24 May)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

new earphones

New earphones are now available for our customers to purchase. There are three different types to choose from and different prices. Please charge the price on the pack!

annual business plan

We have been provided with hard copies of the draft Annual Business Plan, information sheets and business plan snapshots for our customers to view. They will be at the service desk and on display in the community information display area. This information is also available from the website.

The community has been invited to comment on the business plan as part of community engagement (which closes on Friday 10 June 2011) and libraries have been advertised as places where the documentation can be accessed.

Please make yourself familiar with the documentation and how to access it.

3 vacancies

Yes, that's right - there are now three vacancies at Seaford. We will be recruiting for these positions shortly, so if you are interested this is a heads-up!

Friday, May 13, 2011

news to share

In an effort to make information sharing easier I have developed this blog!
Here I intend to post information that is easily accessible by all and in particular highlight information that YOU NEED TO HAVE...

here goes!