Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Pay pass reader

The Pay-pass reader has now been installed on our EFTPOS machine, this works with Visa Paywave.
All you need to do if customers are paying with Visa is place card on the reader after entering the amount – no pin or signature required
Remember we have a $10 minimum with all EFTPOSs. Nathan

Thursday, February 20, 2014

PRC on iPads

The PRC lists are now on all the iPads, an app (PRC Books) appears on the home page in the form of a shortcut.
Remember if someone asks to view the lists you will need to sign-in the iPad (onto WiFi) with the account associated with the number of the iPad. Thanks Nathan

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Blind date with a book

During the week of the 10th to the 14th of February Seaford library are running our annual Blind date with a book. We have adult and teen fiction. Tiffany and I have done a spread sheet so we can add the books we are using for this event in case they are placed on hold during the week . There are tabs at the bottom of the sheet for you to look in.
Adult blind date books will be placed in the New book area with a couple on the display between the kiosks, and the Teen blind date books will be on the display where the new books for Teens usually go. If you notice they are running out please let Tiffany or myself know. Feel free to choose some more but remember when picking them they need to fit in the bags and be placed on the spread sheet. Thanks Kelly & Tiffany

computer headphones

You will have noticed headphones on all public PCs, these can be used in conjunction with Skype, Google talk etc. or simply when they are watching or listening to stuff on the Internet.
Customers can still use their own headphones but we are trailing leaving these attached, like they do at most other branches.Thanks Nathan

school info

Just letting you know a couple of bits of info:
Firstly, Seaford 6-12 is now called Seaford Secondary College. They are still in the process of getting new logos and signage etc but this is what they are now known as.
Secondly, the Premier’s Reading Challenge is on again. I have put out the new posters and have printed off a whole heap of new reading records, and they are in the blue folder on the school side. Please ensure you give students the correct reading record sheet for their year level. Instead of printing off the booklists this year, I have asked Nathan to put a shortcut on all of the iPads to the PRC website, where students can search the list for books quickly and efficiently. If students ask for a booklist, please loan them an iPad so they can look it up this way. The link for this is also on the School’s Only2Clicks page that all students have access to.
Remember, if you give out a reading record sheet, you must register the student’s details on the list at the front of the folder too. Any questions, please ask me. Thanks Karla

audio book spine labels

Just letting you know that I have changed the Youth audio-books spine labels to reflect the new ones that are coming through so they now are TAB instead of CAPHB, if you have any come through with CAPHB can you please put them into ON-repair-SF and put them on my desk and I’ll change them.  Also the CAB audio-books are childrens so they need to go into the children's area. Thanks Jo