Wednesday, February 29, 2012

RFID tagging

Be aware that the circulation assistant and the way we encode RFID tagging has changed. There is a cheat sheet at the CKI desk to assist or ask trained staff to help!

Monday, February 20, 2012

blind date with a book

We have advertised our Blind date with a book running from 14-25 February.  The Blind date packages on display in the basket are the last of what has been made up.  When these run out - 'that will be the lot'! 
Thanks for your time and effort in choosing the books and 'selling' the concept to our customers. Connie

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

student injury

FYI, word from the school is that if you see a student who has bruising, that you are NOT to ask how it happened, or even make comment on it.
 In fact, this should apply at all times for any of our students, because we don't need to know what has happened.  Thanks for your understanding.

Monday, February 13, 2012

NYR launch

we have launched NYR at Seaford...
a reminder of what's happening:

  • NYR display on the slat wall in the adult fiction area 
  • NYR display outside the building (banner and books hanging from trees)
  • Balloons as giveaways
  • 'Blind date with a Book' promotion
  • Competitions we are running...
  • Promotion of author visit (Tim Marshall)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

students with lost items

No students are allowed to borrow anything for the first 2 weeks of school if they have lost items. Karla will tell you if there is any change to this or if there are any special circumstances.

student laptop borrowing

All students who wish to take a laptop home MUST have a new agreement for 2012 signed.
Please check to see that students have a current user agreement.