Tuesday, July 3, 2012

check-in changes

Now that heaps of our items have RFID tags in them, it is easier to check them in using the pad rather than the wand. This way, it is easier to know if things NEED tags as well, as they won’t be picked up by the scanner.
The way that I have been doing it, and I think has been working well is:
  • Put a pile of 3 items on the pad (can be any number but just an example)
  •  Wait for 3 beeps
  •  If 3 beeps, you know all 3 have RFID tags (it is good to keep an eye on the screen still to make sure the beeps are 3 different titles rather than one of them checking in twice)
  •   If only 2 beeps, check titles and check in the untagged item with wand. This item then goes on large white trolley next to check in desk to be tagged later.
  • The rest of them can be put back on the reshelving trolley.
When the crates come in, I have been putting the grey holds trolley back in its normal spot next to the desk, but at other times it is easier if the white one for untagged items is there.
Just remember when placing items on the check in desk, don’t put them too close to the pad. We haven’t put tape down to mark an area yet because I think we are seeing if this spot for the pad works. Karla