Sunday, August 17, 2014

Science Week

Just for your info, it is National Science Week beginning 16 Aug, so we are doing a competition again for the school kids to win a plasma ball.
This year there is one simple question they have to answer, but it requires them to use their imagination. At the end of the week the winner will be drawn randomly out of the box. If the winning entry has written an inappropriate response to the question, that person will not win the prize and we will redraw.
This is set up on the school side. Please turn on the plasma ball at the beginning of each day next week and turn it off when school finishes each day. If it is getting too hot at any point please turn it off for a rest. Karla

Friday, August 8, 2014

Coco mug display

Clues to the 891 ABC Adelaide #GoldCoco Challenge are on display in the library.
Customers are collecting Matt and Dave's audio, visual and verbal clues on 891’s on air, online and social media channels (twitter and facebook) to piece together where the #GoldCoco mug is hiding each week. Please support them finding clues in the library display.

shelving helper

I have created a visual guide to help volunteers (in particular) with reshelving and knowing where different collections live in the library. This is something that new casual staff or casuals who are not here often may find useful too.
It is hanging from the end of the trolley in the check-in room and can be taken off of the hook if a volunteer wants to take it with them as they reshelve etc.
If you get a chance, take a look at it so you know what the volunteers have available to them. Karla