Thursday, June 28, 2012

Children's series books

Books that are on the old AE shelves are all series that have got new spine labels to reflect their series and also they have been encoded. Please only put books on these shelves if they have the new spine label and have been encoded. (This is only a temporary measure and we will be looking at how we can best display these series in the future).
All series books will have their series on a spine label and that will be how they are shelved, for example, Star Wars will be shelved under STA. Not all series will be on the white shelves. Angela

Thursday, June 21, 2012

transit changes

Change in process-Staff choose the appropriate library service slip for the item and either circle or highlight the branch. No need to add barcode!

Friday, June 8, 2012

children's series - changes

From today all new children’s fiction series will have a spine label to reflect their series. They will no longer have the author in the call number field but the series name instead. Jo and myself will be making retrospective changes one day, so (for now) don’t put any on our desk to change!